Added PS1 banner and images to games cabinet (have not listed games yet as i don't feel like sifting through dozens of discs. i'm also not sure which games to include, based on me excluding non-personal games in the other collections, and the fact that this is an entirely non-personal collection). Updated to-do in updates page. Removed the "Ender Did a Thing" section because I do not do many things worthy of celebration.
Added the new writings section and made a post. That post is kind of an update, though, so you should read it for the full update.
Added a new section called "Ender Did A Thing", for when I, Ender, do a thing. That being said, Ender did a thing go check it out!
New button just dropped I love it so much (and this time I actually designed it from scratch instead of using a button maker). Also added other website buttons and miscellaneous buttons. Made some minor performance tweaks.
Added new webrings and cliques to the homepage (might move those to their own webpage if it gets too crowded). Added status section next to imood since my little baby 2024 Neocities account can't use status.cafe. Created status log webpage to archive statuses. Added new descriptions to the games cabinet, which is just about a finished page, give or take some game-specific notes. Fixed (???) Webdeck sizing for mobile (I may have made it worse to be honest, I'd recommend just toggling off the music player when viewing on mobile -_-)
Glitch has shiny new sprites! I mainly refined the color palette, partially to match my site aesthetic more (I didn't even plan on making a website when I originally designed Glitch), and partially to just have better constrast and values in my opinion. Also added webrings section to homepage.
Changed border colors to blue instead of white because I thought my pages looked boring. Might change it back, idk. Updated to-do. Reached 60% progress towards finishing the games cabinet.
Actually working on shelves. I repeat, actually making content. Sound the goddamn alarms. Seriously, though, finished adding all games to the games cabinet, still working on images and descriptions.
09/11/24 (oh no):
Started working on the videogame shelf for the shelves page. Added toggle to disable webdeck player. Working on toggle to disable crt effect (only active on homepage right now). Actually downloaded my site for once so I can use vscode instead of the stupid neocities editor. Currently experimenting with different crt settings right now, so those might be inconsistent sitewide.
Finished making about page. Added imood widget. Changed website background. Added new buttons.
Added responsive header image to avoid weird cropping on mobile. Created foundation of shelves page and bare minimum of about page. Started drafting articles instead of letting the ideas rot in my notes app. Added new buttons.
Changed color scheme for better color contrast (it somehow never crossed my mind that blue on black was hard to read).
Made some behind-the-scenes changes to the code to add accessibility features like alt text. Also added new buttons and changed favicon to Glitch (that lil guy is practically my site mascot now).
Added Glitch the cat to the website. Hi Glitch :3
Finally created an updates page, which I'll likely forget to update. Also finalized guestbook page and added music player.